Mallory BeachHer parents were open to discussing the death of their daughter.
As the story develops on the Murdaugh family murders and the alleged financial crimes of Alex Murdaugh, 20/20We spoke with Mallory’s parents after she was in an accident while boating along Alex’s son. Paul MurdaughIn 2019, the girl, then 19, was killed. CelebHomes News has an exclusive clip. Renee Phillip BeachTalk about the night they lost their daughter and share your stories.
Renee recalls that her mom called to inquire if Mallory was at home and she told me no. “And she said it had been an accident on a boat.”
As the clip continues, Phillip shares, “I got a phone call from Mallory’s mom saying there had been an accident and she was frantic. I answered the phone, and told her, “No God. Not my child.”
Renee stated that Mallory as a baby was strong and a good person. She also said Mallory had always been close to her mother.
Phillip continued, “She followed me wherever I went.” She wanted to do the same things as me. You could make her a lady if she wanted to, or she could just be a boy. Her passion was fishing and hunting.