Get ready for a flight of your own with this HBO Max series featuring a new regular guest star.
It’s true. Alanna Ubach is joiningThe Flight Attendant for season two of the series. Deadline revealed Ubach as the new crew member on November 11, while revealing that Ubach would be in season two. Ubach is joining the team along with other returning cast members Kaley Cuoco Griffin Matthews Rosie Perez Zosia MmetAnd Deniz Akdeniz and new series stars Callie Hernandez Mo McRaeJJ Soria
According to the publication, Ubach will portray “Carol Atkinson” (also known as Black Market Carol), a well-dressed and icy flight attendant, who doesn’t like Cassie.
Ubach may be recognizable from someplace if you don’t recognize her. SeveralHit films and shows. Before joining HBO Max, the series was created by Steve YockeyUbach was Suze Howard’s actor.Euphoria, Isabel Villalobos in The FockersMama Imelda from Disney Pixar CocoFox personality Jeanine PirroIn Bombshell and Elle Wood’s friend Serena McGuire in Legally Blonde