Warning: Spoilers below for The Morning Show’s newest episode are included.

Mitch Kessler was happy to say goodbye.

In the Oct. 29 episode of The Morning Show, titled “La Amara Vita”, the ex anchor antagonist (played by Steve Carell) met his end—but not in the way you may’ve expected. So far in season two, Mitch relocated to Italy in an attempt to turn his life around after being labeled as the Harvey WeinsteinNews world. Of course, his relocation came amid the country’s COVID-19 spike in 2020—which is what we ThoughtThe controversial character would be eliminated.

However, this was not the case. After an honest conversation with Alex Levy, longtime co-anchor, it was.Jennifer AnistonMitch makes a very difficult decision and seems to take his own lives. Here’s what happened…

As Mitch was driving down a dark rural road, an oncoming car bludgeoned him with its headlights. Surprisingly, the character didn’t attempt to save his life. Instead, Mitch let go of the wheel, resulting in a fatal car accident.

During an interview VarietyThe show’s producer is. Kerry EhrinCarrell was responsible for the poetic justice plot twist in this series, explains.