Back in 2012, Halle Berry was forced to leave her luxurious Hollywood home for a few days for a very frightening reason. A whole bunch of dangerous black widow spiders were found congregating underneath a chair set up next to her pool—and it took a while for exterminators to get rid of them!
Fortunately, a local pest control company was able to help the decorated actress out with her issue. But the incident seems to have left a permanent mark on her. A couple years later, Berry stormed off the set of The Ellen DeGeneres Show after Ellen made a joke about spiders while speaking with her.
And Berry is just one of many celebrities to find herself in this kind of predicament. Over the years, there have also been a whole host of other celebs who have had to call on companies to assist them with pest control in LA.
Here is why so many of these famous people have relied on local pest control companies to make their pest problems go away.
They Respond Fast
When a celebrity realizes that they have a pest problem on the inside or outside of their home, they shouldn’t let it linger for any longer than they absolutely have to. The longer that they wait to reach out to a pest control company, the worse a pest problem is going to get.
It’s why celebrities need to have a local pest control company on their side. This kind of company can send an exterminator out to a celeb’s home within just hours to deal with a pest problem and make it go away.
In fact, people don’t even have to be celebrities to get the VIP treatment from a local pest control company. A good company will respond quickly to just about anyone who calls on them for help with a pest issue.
They Know How to Handle Many Different Types of Pest Problems
As we alluded to earlier when we were discussing Halle Berry, local pest control companies can assist celebrities with pest control problems involving spiders. But they don’t stop there!
A great pest control company can also help celebs with pest problems involving:
- Ants
- Fleas
- Mice
- Cockroaches
- Bees
- And more!
They’re Discreet
Celebrities have to work their way through pest problems in their homes just like everyone else. But unlike everyone else, a pest problem can wreak havoc on a celeb’s life if they’re not careful.
All it takes is one minor bed bug outbreak in a celeb’s home for their name to be in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. They can’t afford to have news about a pest problem get out into the public since it could hurt their career to some degree.
This is yet another area in which a local pest control company can help a celebrity out in a big way. They’ll be very discreet when providing their services to a celeb so that the gossip magazines and websites don’t get wind of their pest problem.
They’ll also work to eradicate a pest problem so that a celebrity doesn’t have to deal with it for very long at all. It’ll make the entire pest control process so much simpler for a celeb.
They Don’t Cost an Arm and a Leg
We’re willing to bet that Halle Berry would have paid almost any amount of money to get the black widow spiders that gathered underneath her pool chair off her property. At that point, money was no subject to her!
But here’s something else that celebrities love about local pest control companies: They don’t charge a small fortune for their services. They’re able to get rid of a pest problem for a celeb without breaking the bank.
The pest control prices that a company will charge a celeb are going to vary depending on:
- What kind of pest problem they have
- How bad their pest problem is
- Where the pest problem is located in their home
But generally speaking, celebs won’t have to shell out a ton of money to get their pest problems under control. They should be able to get a fair and affordable price from a local pest control company.
They Get Rid of a Pest Problem Rather Than Just Masking It
Here’s the thing about a pest problem: It’s not always easy to get rid of it for good! If Halle Berry’s situation hadn’t been handled in the right way, she would have had black widow spiders crawling around underneath her pool chair again in no time at all.
But here’s the thing about local pest control companies: They go above and beyond to eliminate pest problems rather than just masking them. This prevents them from having to return to a celeb’s home to deal with the problem again.
Celebs love that they don’t typically need to have pest control companies coming back to their homes over and over again. It reduces the chances of someone spotting a pest control company putting in work on their property and provides them with peace of mind.
Celebrities Can Always Rely on Local Pest Control Companies for Help
In a perfect world, celebrities wouldn’t have to worry about pests invading their homes. But of course, these things do happen from time to time to celebs, including A-list celebs like Halle Berry.
It’s what makes local pest control companies so important. They’re able to take trips out to celebs’ homes to deal with pest problems accordingly. And celebs love them because of it.
Are you still asking yourself, “How do celebrities get rid of pests?” We’ve got some more informative pest control articles for you. Find them by reading through the other articles that we’ve posted on our blog.