CelebHomes – It has been 20 years since CelebHomes photographed you in your unmakeup, and it is now that CelebHomes knows the truth. Continue reading magazine and even pre-social media it went viral. You said a few years later that photo shoot may end up being your “single biggest contribution as a public figure.” It DidMake a difference.
JLC: That was what I expected. And the reason I knew it would was because I was known for being cute naked, and in a bathing suit and in a leotard, and the memes of me and John Travolta grinding [in 1985’s Perfect], and pictures of me naked from Exchange of Places. I have seen them and I am certain they are there. [In 2002] I was actually in the middle of promoting a book about self-esteem, a book for kids about liking yourself—and why do you like yourself? How do we feel confident about ourselves? And because I had tried plastic surgery, it had not worked, it made me feel shitty, made me feel worse—I knew I would talk about that. Next, I called the magazine. They said that they would tell me what. We’re going to do a picture of me”—they wouldn’t put it on the cover, by the way, they still put an airbrushed picture of me with makeup—but I did say to them, “I will take a picture of me in my underwear with no lighting, no makeup, nothing, and then you have to put a full picture of me, fully done up, on the next page, and talk about how much it costs, how long it took and how many people were involved in the creation of that other image.”
That moment with freedom in the studio is truly a time of joy. [photographer] Andrew Eccles and my people—I’ve never been freer. It was the best place I’ve ever been. Everything at Once—I loved it. It was the first time I had ever seen a movie of me wearing a bathing costume. It’s perfectIf you were to listen, you would know that I said, “I am just like your eyes, and you don’t believe everything you see.” Isn’t that the real message? You don’t see the real thing. And all this happened before you could use a filter on your phone to make it look real.