Adele has yet to publicly respond to Doran’s apology and to the original reports regarding the interview mishap.

During his on-air mea culpa, Doran denied claims that the singer left their interview early. He said that Adele did not leave the interview. The interview went overtime.

Doran claimed that Adele was the focus of most of the interview and they spoke about the paradox of being world’s most popular artist while hating fame. Talking about pure artistry and the power of Adele’s voice, we also talked for a long time about what it was like to experience that sound in one’s mouth.

The singer also stated that “How ‘Go Easy on Me was created in part through singing acapella while in the shower.” This refers to his new song “Easy on Me”. Doran stated that the interview took 29 minutes. He called Adele deep, funny, raw, and honest.