Cooper Noriega They won’t forget.
Two weeks after the TikToker died at age 19, his friend Josh Richards shared how he’s feeling about the loss.
“It’s obviously, like, one of those impossible things to deal with, to lose a friend,” he said on the Be best friendsPodcast on June 22, You don’t expect that you will have this happen at twenty.
Josh, who is also an influencer on TikTok with 25 million followers, went on to show support for Cooper’s family amid their grief and commended them for founding Coop’s Advice, an organization dedicated to keeping Cooper’s memory alive through meaningful projects.
He stated, “I am really glad the family has done the foundation,” Cooper wanted it since he was a child.
Cooper’s family said that the foundation will “remember his legacy for ever.”
“From the bottom of our hearts, we thank everyone for your overwhelming support and the outpouring of love for Cooper,” they shared in a statement on Instagram last week. The impact Cooper’s work has made on people all over the world is amazing. Cooper’s dreams will be fulfilled and we will carry on his legacy for the rest of my life. “We will always honor Cooper’s legacy.”