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Our New Year’s Resolution is to be more creative in the kitchen. We were unable to find the right recipe from our Pinterest board, so we decided to challenge ourselves in the kitchen.

When looking for an affordable yet quality set of knives, we came across McCook’s MC21 15-piece set of German stainless steel knives and couldn’t believe the $64 price tag. It was so good that we purchased it. They are our favorite!

This set is on sale now for $55 and includes a 8-inch chef knife, 8-inch slicing knives, 5″ santoku, 5.5 inch serrated utility knifes, 5″ utility knives, 3.5 inches paring knifes, six 4.5 inch serrated steak knives, two pairs of kitchen scissors, as well as a wooden knife block with a built in sharpener.

We forgot to mention, the set boasts 14,000 Amazon 5-star reviews.!