After the video’s release, Spears was the subject of a tabloid scandal. It showed that the director of the video had been fired. Gregory DarkWhen he was younger, he worked in adult film productions.
It’s time for teens to realize that the new pop music isn’t heavily coded. LA WeeklyAt the time, it was claimed. “In fact, it‘s explicitly made and marketed as such.”
Spears’ rep at the time stated, “As far I know the director only does music videos.” It is not for sexy young girls.
The director then told the story in an ironic twist. Entertainment WeeklyHe was actually contracted to lighten her image in the video.
They wanted to make her feel a little more like herself. [from the naughty schoolgirl of “…Baby One More Time”]”Dark”, who was also a collaborator with Mandy MooreAccording to the magazine, they wanted a music video. They wanted something more narrative-oriented, without the dance. It had to be serious and emotionally charged.