Later, the Grammy-winning 9-time winner admitted it was difficult to keep her exciting news secret. CelebHomes News spoke out, saying that it was difficult for her to hide the news from her posse. “They’re always around me and they know my habits,” she said. Daily Pop host Justin Sylvester in February. They’re like “You don’t want anything to drink?” What are you smoking? It’s not like you’re smoking. My family knows I loathe sweets so I am asking them for cookies and donuts.
Elle continued “But finally I just had to release it all, and they all were shocked, as was the whole world, of course.”
A$AP shares his hopes for raising a child now that the rapper and wife have given birth to their boy. A$AP stated that he will remind his children never to lose their imagination. Dazed on May 30. “I actually love to watch cartoons—I’ve watched like, Teletubbies, Blue’s Clues, Yo Gabba Gabba, Peppa Pig and Baby Shark.”
His wishes do not end there. A$AP added, “I hope to raise open-minded children. They are not people who make a distinction. Although I am not trying to portray a saint I do want a child who is cool with his parents.