Haylor! It was a wonderful time.

The Internet almost burst when the news broke that One Direction’s most beloved member and one of pop’s greatest stars was dating. The pair celebrated her 23rd birthday in London, they hit the slopes in Utah, they shared a New Year’s Eve kiss in NYC and he met Swift’s mom, Andrea 

But after two months, Swift and Styles abruptly split in early 2013, with Swift later authorizing an anonymous friend to shed light on the breakup for Vogue

Confidante claimed that the situation was not reported in the media. Styles was the one who “chased Swift” over a period of a year, before she began to date him. According to an insider, Swift and Styles’ relationship ended when Styles was photographed allegedly having an affair while on tour in Australia. 

Swift got back together after Styles pursued her. “But the whole time, she says that she feels like…he’s looking through every girl and thinking of hooking up with everyone,” Swift claimed. The friend went on to claim Styles had basically abandoned Swift, only to begin texting Swift again. Swift’s friend was denied Swift’s version of the events by Styles at the time.

Their brief-lived love lives on through several songs.1989There are many songs, such as “Style”, “I Knew You Were Trouble” and “Out of the Woods”, which were apparently inspired by the singer of “Watermelon Sugar”. 

Styles discussed the songs with us in an interview in 2017. Rolling Stone, saying, “I mean, I don’t know if they’re about me or not…but the issue is, she’s so good, they’re bloody everywhere. Everyone writes from his or her experiences. If everything goes my way, I am lucky. [we went through together]They were instrumental in creating those songs. It’s the music that touches you.

Swift and Styles are now on good terms almost a decade later than their marriage. Styles and Swift shared an intimate moment at the 2021 Grammys. This delights Haylor fan. They made it!