A booking officer at the county jail told another corrections official at 3:30 p.m. that Vicky couldn’t be reached. All calls went straight to voicemail. After it was confirmed Casey had never returned to the jail since leaving with Vicky that morning, the state issued a Blue Alert, a notice of a violent attack on a law enforcement officer and an active search for the suspect.

“She scheduled the van transport that morning, made sure all the other armed deputies were out of the building and tied up in court,” Singleton later told CNN. When she informed her that she would take the deputy director to court, she knew she wouldn’t be questioned by the booking officer.

He added that she also “purchased the getaway automobile, she sold her home and obtained cash. She then went on a shopping spree, buying clothes for her husband.”

The Ford Edge was purchased by her on May 1. This marked their first lead. They later learned that, after ditching the Edge in Tennessee on April 29, the duo paid $6,000 cash for a black Ford F-150 pickup truck that same day.

A police officer in Evansville, Ind., saw the truck parked in the area on May 2 while doing a routine check for stolen vehicles and ran the license plate—but it hadn’t been stolen, so nothing came up.