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Gemini, Happy Birthday! From your adaptability to anyone you meet to your intelligence, charm, and wit, there’s so much to admire about Gemini. You’re easygoing, you’re always up for trying new things and you’re so full of surprises, there’s never a dull moment with you around. And sure, you may love a little drama every now and then, but you just can’t help it. This is written into your birth chart. Despite that, you value your friendships, you’re an excellent listener, and you know how to brighten someone’s day when they’re feeling down. You are the reason life is so good.
Since it’s your birthday, we talked to professional astrologer Clarisse Monahan, to get all the details on what you can expect for the year ahead. Let’s just say, this summer will be extra lucky in more ways than one.
Gemini Birthday Horoscope
Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde, which means that we begin the first half your birthday month. Because of this, it’s essential to pay extra attention to any important deals or talks that need to be had during this period. Mercury will be direct from June 3rd, so everything should improve and accelerate. Jupiter will be in fiery Aries and activate your Friendship Zone. This will allow you to become more social, outgoing, and open-minded than you have been before. You can have a massive birthday celebration if you want.
Monahan explained that this year is a great time to have luck with your network and get rewards and good fortune. It’s also an opportunity to be more active in your local community. On the 23rd of June—though Gemini Season will have just ended—you’ll get a little razzle dazzle transit from Venus who moves into your sign. This will set off a 3-week-long transit of strong love vibes. Whether single or coupled up, this will be an auspicious time for love.”