Halsey said, “One miscarriage required aftercare. This is a gentle way to say that my body couldn’t terminate my pregnancy entirely on its own. I’d risk getting into sepsis if I didn’t have medical intervention.” I wept during the procedure. I felt afraid and helpless. It was my desperate desire to get rid of the life-threatening pregnancy.

Medical terms for miscarriages—used in billing and insurance claims—include “spontaneous abortions,” “missed abortions” and “incomplete abortions,” according to the National Library of Medicine.

If the patient does not pass an unsuccessful pregnancy naturally, they may be made to wait longer, take pills to try to speed along the process or undergo a surgical procedure with or without sedation. The latter two methods are also typically used in elective abortions of successful pregnancies.

Halsey said, “My abortion saved me life and made it possible for my son’s to have his.” Halsey wrote, “Everyone deserves to have the freedom to choose how and when they experience this potentially life-altering and dangerous event.” My son will be my arm and I’ll fight for him with my whole heart.”