Did wCelebHomes get an expert opinion about Mr. Big’s passing? Abso–f––kin–lutely. 

Yet, we still have to deal with Big (Chris Noth) is actually gone—or not, according to Ryan Reynolds, but we digress—CelebHomes News talked to Cardiologist and past president of the LA County Medical Association Dr. Sion RoyTo discuss Carrie Bradshaw’s (Sarah Jessica Parker() would have saved her husband. 

The long-awaited first episode is now available. Sex and the City reboot, Just Like That…, Carrie finds a partially conscious Big on the ground outside of the shower suffering from a heart attack. Instead of dialing 9-1-1, Carrie holds Big and weeps.

Dr. Roy stated that even though “it was unclear exactly what was occurring because there wasn’t real significant dialogue,” Carrie should not have called 9-1-1. She should run to the hospital and try to find out the problem while they are on their way.

Doctor Roy also notes that Carrie should begin chest compression once Big loses his pulse.

Though Carrie could have been a bit more proactive, Dr. Roy explains that “more likely than not, if we take this scenario at face value, he was probably going to die regardless.” You can now put down your pitchforks.