You’ve made the decision to move to Los
Angeles. It’s a big decision that will likely change your entire reality. Are
you ready?

Before making the big move, there are several
factors you’ll need to consider about moving to, and living in, Los Angeles.
People often underestimate how big of a life change moving to Los Angeles will
be. Don’t make this common mistake.
However, with a little research and
preparation, you can help make your move as smooth as possible.
1. Set
Realistic Expectations
It’s important to remember that you’re making
the move to one of the world’s most populated areas. There’s a lot that might
surprise you.
If you’re moving to LA from a large city, some
of this area will be familiar to you. But every city has its own unique
If you’re moving from a smaller city or town,
transitioning to LA can be difficult and catch you off guard. Keep in mind that
feeling this way is normal and all part of the moving process. The familiarity
and comfort of home will be far from sight. But at the end of the day, isn’t
that one of the reasons you decided to move to LA?
In LA, you’ll get a fresh start, feel motivated
and challenged, and have a chance to pursue your dreams.
2. Get
Immersed in the Environment
One of the best parts about living in Los
Angeles is that you can be interested in just about anything and find it easy
to find related parties, get-togethers, showcases, art openings, screenings or
other events.
There’s no shortage of amazing culture in LA,
and much of it can be found free-of-charge. Get informed on the things that
interest you, then start becoming a part of the local scene.
3. Be
Ready to Improvise
Plan all you want for your move to LA. The
reality is that you’ll need to employ a lot more improvisation skills than you
will planning skills.
Avoid getting yourself stressed just because
things aren’t going the way you expected. Instead, embrace unexpected
situations by remaining open-minded and flexible. While it might be much easier
to say than to do, when you master the ability to go with the flow, your life
in LA will be much simpler.
4. Hire
a Moving Company
With so many issues to contend with before,
during and after your move, do you really want to take on the moving process by
Sure, you may have a group of friends or
family available to help you. But do you really think helping you move to LA is
on the top of their priority lists?
To take the pressure off your plate, hire a moving
company to get you to LA. Let them handle the packing, moving and
unpacking while you take on the real reasons why you’re making this move.
Whether you’re moving across the state or
across the country, making the small investment in a moving company will make
things go much smoother.
5. Save
Some Money
There will probably be some tough times when
you move to Los Angeles. Even if there aren’t, it makes sense to plan for the
Before moving, spend a good amount of time saving as much money as you possibly can. Set
a goal on saving enough to live off of for at least six months if you aren’t
able to generate much income after you make the move.
6. Have
a Plan
Avoid the common mistake of moving to LA and
“winging it” once you get there. Chances are, this will end in
Instead, whether you already have a job lined up or
not, set time-sensitive, specific goals. Before moving, determine what
individual steps will help you achieve those goals. Then, stick with your plan
throughout every step to make sure you end up exactly where you envisioned
you’d be.